As you can see above, Valerie already called dibs on the 1st crib in the last bedroom of Phase 1. But, now she needs for people to donate and become her EXTENDED FAMILY. Plus, we need to raise the money needed to fill Crib #2, 3 and 4 with three special-needs orphans for whom we have already identified and have formal transfer requests. (We are prohibited by law to show photos of these 3 special-needs orphans until we receive them. However, I will say that there is one baby boy, one baby girl and one 4-yo girl, ALL 3 ADORABLE!!!)
$200,000 ($50,000 for Valerie and $150,000 for the other three) is what we need to cover all annual costs for our last room of Phase 2. MORE ABOUT KID COSTS HERE
On the DONATE form via the link below, you can choose to either become EXTENDED FAMILY for Valerie OR donate toward the RESCUE FUND for the three other kiddos. Once the $150,000 RESCUE FUND is filled, those who donated toward that will have the option of become EXTENDED FAMILY to any of the three special-needs orphans added to the last room of Phase 1.
Heart’s Cry advocates for the orphaned and abandoned children of Panamá, thereby sharing the love of Jesus Christ and following the Biblical command in James 1:27 to care for orphans in their distress.
Mission Statement:
Casa Providencia Video
Overview Video

DC Team Holds First Annual Casa Grand Prix
No more travel restrictions! That means our Casa Kids and staff are feelin' the love again from visiting teams. Contact us today and get details on visiting Heart's Cry operations in Panama.
What We Do

Casa Providencia is Panama's first temporary home and therapy center for special-needs orphans. This facility offers the best therapy, nutrition, education, vocational training, and medical attention available, while we work hard to find them adopting families. Please join us in providing hope for the special needs orphans of Panamá.

Heart's Cry Family Services is an in-country adoption agency offering legal counsel, psychological assessments, social services, and educational training throughout the entire adoption or foster care process for Panamanians AT NO CHARGE. Family Services is also the branch of Heart's Cry that works with the Panamanian government creating policies and procedures to improve the country's adoption and foster care programs.