
Before Jose came to Casa Providencia he lived a life of extreme poverty and neglect. His mom was mentally incapable of caring for him. When he was two years old he contracted bacterial meningitis but was not taken to the doctor and the illness deteriorated half of his brain, leaving him with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy and epilepsy. He was returned home and then was hospitalized again with his baby sister due to an extreme case of parasites and malnutrition. After they were stabilized at the hospital they went to an orphanage where Jose did not receive therapy or any form of affection. The understaffed orphanage focused all their attention on helping him recover from the extreme malnutrition but quickly requested for Jose to be transferred to Casa Providencia because they knew we are uniquely equipped to help him. When he came to us he was totally shut down emotionally and seemed like a fragile shell of a boy. He rarely opened his eyes and would only engage with his caregivers during meal times. Jose would reject all human contact and affection. He was unable and unwilling to move and would just lay still all day. His heart is now beginning to heal and he is now welcoming love and affection. He is being cared for and loved daily. He is receiving physical and cognitive therapy five days a week with a heavy emphasis on sensory therapy.